Monday, May 12, 2014

The Library and Chuck E Cheese

One of the issues with our homeschool is what to do for all the ages. Often our trips are appropriate for all ages, but sometimes they tend to focus more on the young ones. This is one of those times.  The little ones have been very good at waiting for their turns on the computer, and Mini-Me tries very hard to keep Baby Samuel entertained while I do school with the others.  As a reward,  after our trip to the library for materials for the older girls reptile research report,  we went to Chuck E Cheese (Mini-Me has been begging for months).

At the library, I was showing the girls how to look things up on their computers (I learned the old card catalog in drawers system, how about you?) and the two littles kept themselves entertained quite well.

I don't know why I don't have a pic of Mini-Me here.  Bad mommy!!!  Anyway,  again they patiently waited for their older siblings to finish up before it was their turn.  So,  once the girls found the books they needed, the little ones picked out a couple and we checked out and headed to Chuck E Cheese.

Now, the little ones get to have their fun!!

Of course, what trip out of the house is complete without a stop at Wal-Mart?  We like checking out the clearance aisles. Sometimes we find some interesting stuff.

Another fun day with these homeschooled kiddos.  This year has gone by so fast!!!

Paris Mountain State Park - April 24, 2014

Now that the weather is starting to stay warmer,  we like to get outside as much as possible before it turns HOT!!  So,  late April and early May we tend to do a lot of field trips all at once.

My Mini-Me usually has speech therapy on Wednesday afternoon, however her therapists had to reschedule a couple weeks ago to Thursday morning at 8:15.  I saw that as the perfect opportunity to load all the kiddos up and head to the park after speech for a quick hike in nature.  The kids were instructed to find different kinds of leaves, as well as any moving creatures they could spot.

Here are a few things they pointed out (I just wasn't fast enough with my camera a couple times):

Princess #2 was hoping to find a snake or lizard,  but had to settle for this toad.  We also saw a turtle on a log in the lake,  but he jumped in the water before I could focus the camera for a picture.  The older boys spotted a rabbit in the woods off the trail,  but again I wasn't fast enough with the camera.  Of course, there were several birds we spotted that I just couldn't get a picture of.

Of course what kind of family trip is complete without photos of the kiddos?

This was a fun day at Mullenax Homeschool!!  I have a few more fun field trips planned for these last two months of school.  The kids have worked hard this year.